Mission & Background

The MMT Project’s mission is to understand real-world problems in their complex totalities, and to craft policy solutions and promote social change in ways consistent with our common values of universality, egalitarianism, inclusion, democracy, equity, justice, and sustainability.

The MMT Project is a hub for cutting-edge research that builds upon, deepens, and develops the frontier of the Modern Money Theory (MMT) paradigm. We are the flagship think tank of the Modern Money Multiverse, a constellation of organizations that includes the education-oriented Modern Money Network, and advocacy-oriented Public Money Action. In addition to hosting research fellows, the MMT Project also maintains a resource library, and is responsible for organizing symposia and other scholarly events, including an annual summit for thinkers, policymakers, and the general public.


The MMT Project’s programming is organized around three elements: people; resources; and events. In addition to our organizational team, comprised of leadership, staff, and volunteers, we also have various affiliated research fellows, ranging from senior academics with established reputations, through to junior scholars at the beginning of their career. These fellows produce original scholarship, policy analysis, and syllabi with the support and guidance of our Research Director, and assist with the curation and maintenance of our resource library in coordination with our Chief Librarian. 

In addition to hosting fellows and maintaining our resource library, the MMT Project also hosts educational events, including various lectures, panels, symposia, and an annual conference. These events are free and open to the public, and provide opportunities for engagement and learning between MMT Project affiliates, the MMT community, and the broader public.


The MMT Project is an institutional hub for the broader MMT community, and operates more as a distributed thought collective than a traditional think tank. Consequently, its leadership team is primarily responsible for stewarding common resources and overseeing administrative and logistical matters, rather than directing the research of its individual fellows or determining the scope of organizational programming.

Scott Fullwiler

Executive Director

Rohan Grey

Fellowship Director

Nathan Tankus

Research Director

Raúl Carrillo

Policy Director

Hannah Judson

Chief Librarian

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