Master Library Index

Mitchell, W. F., & Watts, M. (2005). A Comparison of the Macroeconomic Consequences of Basic Income and Job Guarantee Schemes. Rutgers Journal of Law & Urban Policy, 2, 1–24.
Mitchell, W. F. (2001). The Job Guarantee and Inflation Control. E. Carlson and W.F. Mitchell (Eds.), Achieving Full Employment, Supplement to Volume 12, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, 10–25.
Lerner, A. P. (1943). Functional Finance and the Federal Debt. Social Research, 10(1), 38–51.
Forstater, M. (1998). Flexible Full Employment: Structural Implications of Discretionary Public Sector Employment. Journal of Economic Issues, 32(2), 557–563.
Mitchell, W. F., & Mosler, W. B. (2002). Fiscal Policy and the Job Guarantee. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 5(2), 17.
Tcherneva, P. R., & Wray, L. R. (2005). Employer of Last Resort Program: A case study of Argentina’s Jefes de Hogar program (No. Working Paper No. 41; p. 26).
Baum, S., Bill, A., & Mitchell, W. F. (2008). Employment outcomes in non-metropolitan labour markets: individual and regional labour market factors. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 14(1).
Kaboub, F. (2007). Employment Guarantee Programs: A Survey of Theories and Policy Experiences (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 985162). Social Science Research Network.
Kaboub, F. (2007). ELR-led Economic Development: A Plan for Tunisia. Levy Economics Institute, The, Economics Working Paper Archive, 499.
Wray, L. R., & Nersisyan, Y. (2021). Does the national debt matter? The Japanese Political Economy, 0(0), 1–27.
Mitchell, W. F., & Watts, M. (1985). Efficiency Under Capitalist Production: A Critique and Reformulation. Review of Radical Political Economics, 17(1–2), 212–220.
Armstrong, P., Holland, S., Jackson-Prior, C., & Plumridge, P. (2020). Economics and the political and social environment; lessons for MMT advocates. 33.
Demir, F., & Kaboub, F. (2009). Economic Development and the Fabrication of the Middle East as a Eurocentric Project. In The Challenge of Eurocentrism: Global Perspectives, Policy, and Prospects (pp. 63–82).
Kaboub, F., & Kelsay, M. (2014). Do prevailing wage laws increase total construction costs? Review of Keynesian Economics, 2, 189–206.
Nersisyan, Y., & Wray, L. R. (2010). Does Excessive Sovereign Debt Really Hurt Growth? A Critique of “This Time is Different”, by Reinhart and Rogoff. SSRN Electronic Journal, 603.
Tymoigne, E. (2019). Debunking the Public Debt and Deficit Rhetoric. Challenge, 62, 1–18.
Denniss, R., & Mitchell, W. F. (1997). Dividends of pain. [Increased corporate profit is related to increased unemployment.]. Arena Magazine (Fitzroy, Vic), 27, 5.
Wray, L. R. (2014). Central Bank Independence: Myth and Misunderstanding. SSRN Electronic Journal, 791.
Desan, C. A. (2013). Creation Stories: Myths About the Origins of Money. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Botta, A. (2012). Conflicting Claims in the Eurozone? Austerity’s Myopic Logic and the Need for a European Federal Union in a Post-Keynesian Eurozone Center-Periphery Model. SSRN Electronic Journal, 740.
Tcherneva, P. R. (2015). Completing the Roosevelt Revolution: Why the Time for a Federal Job Guarantee Has Come (No. Policy Note No. 108). Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity.
Wray, L. R. (1992). Commercial Banks, the Central Bank, and Endogenous Money. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 14(3), 297–310.
Fullwiler, S. T., & Allen, G. (2007). Can the Fed Target Inflation? Toward an Institutionalist Approach. Journal of Economic Issues, 41(2), 485–494.
Bell, S. A., & Kelton, S. A. (1998). Can Taxes and Bonds Finance Government Spending? (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 115128). Social Science Research Network.
Galbraith, J. K. (2017). Can Trump overcome secular stagnation? Real World Economics Review, 78, 20–27.
Kelton, S. A., Bell, S. A., & Wray, L. R. (2009). Can Euroland Survive? | Levy Economics Institute. The Levy Economics Institute Policy Brief, 106.
Kelton, S. A., & Bell, S. A. (2017). Can “Trumponomics” extend the recovery? Real World Economics Review, 78, 159–172.
Mazzucato, M. (2015). Building the Entrepreneurial State: A New Framework for Envisioning and Evaluating a Mission-Oriented Public Sector. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Fullwiler, S. T. (2015). Building a More General Theory of Finance. Binzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosperity Working Paper, 106, 23.
Hail, S. (2016). Behavioural and Post-Keynesian Foundations for a new Macroeconomics [Flinders Business School].
Mitchell, W. F. (1993). Briefings: Nation-Building. Australian Left Review, 1(148), 9–10.
Forstater, M. (2002). Bones for Sale: “Development”, environment and food security in East Africa. Review of Political Economy, 14(1), 47–67.
Mitchell, W. F. (1996). Budget: light from the black hole. Arena Magazine (Fitzroy, Vic), 24, 5.
Valadkhani, A., & Mitchell, W. F. (2002). Assessing the Impact of Changes in Petroleum Prices on Inflation and Household Expenditures in Australia. The Australian Economic Review, 35(2), 122–132.
Watts, M., & Mitchell, W. F. (1990). Australian Wage Inflation: Real Wage Resistance, Hysteresis and Incomes Policy: 1968(3)-1988(3). The Manchester School of Economic & Social Studies, 58, 142–164.
Australia - White Paper on Full Employment, May 30, 1945. (1945).
Mitchell, W. F., & Myers, J. (2007). Are gross job flows in Australia sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations? International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, 3(3–4), 248–265.;dn=127126483917729;res=IELBUS;type=pdf
Hayden, F. G., & Fullwiler, S. T. (2001). Analysis of the Financial Assurance Plan in the License Application for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility. Journal of Economic Issues, 35(2), 373–383.
Kelton, S. A., & Bell, S. A. (n.d.). An Introduction to the Health Care Crisis in America: How Did We Get Here? Retrieved February 26, 2019, from
Forstater, M. (n.d.). An Institutionalist Post Keynesian Methodology of Economic Policy with an Application to Full Employment. 29.
Fullwiler, S. T. (2013). An endogenous money perspective on the post-crisis monetary policy debate. Review of Keynesian Economics, 1(2), 171–194.
Berkeley, A., Tye, R., & Wilson, N. (2020). An Accounting Model of the UK Exchequer (The Gower Initiative for Modern Money Studies Working Papers, p. 161). The Gower Initiative for Modern Money Studies.
Watts, M., & Mitchell, W. F. (1991). Alleged instability of the Okun’s law relationship in Australia: an empirical analysis. Applied Economics, 23(12), 1829–1838.
Wray, L. R. (1992). Alternative theories of the rate of interest. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 16(1), 69–89. JSTOR.
Wray, L. R. (2010). Alternative Approaches to Money. Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 11(1).
Peacock, M. (2019). An Embarrassment of Riches and a Surplus of Shame: Can the Rich be Poor? (Working Paper No. 122; pp. 1–22). Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity.
Papadimitriou, D. B., Antonopoulos, R., Adam, S., Kim, K., & Masterson, T. (2014). After Austerity: Measuring the Impact of a Job Guarantee Policy for Greece | Levy Economics Institute.
Baum, S., & Mitchell, W. F. (2008). Adequate Employment, Underutilisation and Unemployment: an Analysis of Labour Force Outcomes for Australian Youth. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 11(3), 187–201.
Mitchell, W. F. (2006). Accommodating employment: A job guarantee. Parity, 19(4), 24.
Wray, L. R. (2007). A Post Keynesian view of central bank independence, policy targets, and the rules versus discretion debate. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 30(1), 119–141.