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- Phil Armstrong, Sara Holland, Claire Jackson-Prior, Prue Plumridge. Economics and the political and social environment; lessons for MMT advocates.
- Pavlina Tcherneva. The Case for a Job Guarantee.
- Stephanie Kelton. The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy.
- Dirk H. Ehnts. Knapp’s State Theory of Money and its reception in German academic discourse.
- Rohan Grey, Stefan Eich, Philipp Hacker, Georgios Dimitropolous. Banking in a Digital Fiat Currency Regime.
- Rohan Grey. Monetary Resilience.
- Scott Fullwiler, Stephanie Kelton, Catherine Ruetschlin, Marshall Steinbaum, Stephanie A. Bell. The Macroeconomic Effects of Student Debt Cancellation.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. The Job Guarantee: Design, Jobs, and Implementation.
- Philip Armstrong. Modern Monetary Theory and a Heterodox Alternative Paradigm.
- L. Randall Wray. Functional Finance: A Comparison of the Evolution of the Positions of Hyman Minsky and Abba Lerner.
- James K Galbraith. Can Trump overcome secular stagnation?.
- Stephanie A. Kelton, Stephanie A. Bell. Can “Trumponomics” extend the recovery?.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. Unemployment: The Silent Epidemic.
- L Randall Wray. Trumponomics: causes and prospects.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. Trump's Bait and Switch: Job Creation in the Midst of Welfare State Sabotage.
- Rohan Grey. Who Owns the Intellectual Fruits of Job Guarantee Labor?.
- Rohan Grey, Jonathan Dharmapalan. The Macroeconomic Policy Implications of Digital Fiat Currency.
- Scott T Fullwiler. The Debt Ratio and Sustainable Macroeconomic Policy.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. Money, Power, and Monetary Regimes.
- Mariana Mazzucato. Building the Entrepreneurial State: A New Framework for Envisioning and Evaluating a Mission-Oriented Public Sector.
- Scott T Fullwiler. Building a More General Theory of Finance.
- Alla Semenova, L. Randall Wray. The Rise of Money and Class Society: The Contributions of John F. Henry.
- L. Randall Wray. Minsky on Banking: Early Work on Endogenous Money and the Prudent Banker.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. Krugman's Flashing Neon Sign.
- Josh Ryan-Collins. Is Monetary Financing Inflationary? A Case Study of the Canadian Economy, 1935-75.
- Greg Hannsgen, Tai Young-Taft. Inside Money in a Kaldor-Kalecki-Steindl Fiscal Policy Model: The Unit of Account, Inflation, Leverage, and Financial Fragility.
- Phil Armstrong. Heterodox Views of Money and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
- L. Randall Wray. Central Bank Independence: Myth and Misunderstanding.
- Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Rania Antonopoulos, Sofia Adam, Kijong Kim, Thomas Masterson. After Austerity: Measuring the Impact of a Job Guarantee Policy for Greece | Levy Economics Institute.
- Dirk H. Ehnts. A simple macroeconomic model of a currency union with endogenous money and saving-investment imbalances.
- L. Randall Wray, Xinhua Liu. Options for China in a Dollar Standard World: A Sovereign Currency Approach.
- L. Randall Wray. Outside Money: The Advantages of Owning the Magic Porridge Pot.
- Eric Tymoigne. Modern Money Theory and Interrelations between the Treasury and the Central Bank: The Case of the United States.
- L. Randall Wray. From the State Theory of Money to Modern Money Theory: An Alternative to Economic Orthodoxy.
- Christine A. Desan. Creation Stories: Myths About the Origins of Money.
- Scott Fullwiler, Stephanie Kelton. The Helicopter Can Drop Money, Bonds, or Just Fly Away.
- Eugenio Caverzasi, Antoine Godin. Stock-Flow Consistent Modeling Through the Ages.
- Eric Tymoigne, L. Randall Wray. Modern Money Theory 101: A Reply to Critics.
- Alberto Botta. Conflicting Claims in the Eurozone? Austerity's Myopic Logic and the Need for a European Federal Union in a Post-Keynesian Eurozone Center-Periphery Model.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. What Do Poor Women Want? Public Employment or Cash Transfers? Lessons from Argentina.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. The Costs and Benefits of a Job Guarantee: Estimates from a Multi-Country Econometric Model.
- Pip Pattison, Galina Daraganova, Johan Koskinen, William F. Mitchell, Anthea Bill, Martin J. Watts, Scott Baum. Networks and geography: Modelling community network structures as the outcome of both spatial and network processes.
- Brett Fiebiger, Scott T. Fullwiler, Stephanie A. Kelton, L. Randall Wray. Modern Monetary Theory: A Debate.
- L. Randall Wray. Imbalances? What Imbalances? A Dissenting View.
- Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, L. Randall Wray. Euroland's Original Sin | Levy Economics Institute.
- Stephanie A. Kelton, Stephanie A. Bell. Limitations of the government budget constraint: Users vs. issuers of the currency.
- L. Randall Wray. Lessons We Should Have Learned from the Global Financial Crisis but Didn’t.
- Scott T. Fullwiler, L. Randall Wray. It's time to rein in the fed.
- L. Randall Wray. Is There Room for Bulls, Bears, and States in the Circuit?.
- Yeva Nersisyan, L. Randall Wray. Does Excessive Sovereign Debt Really Hurt Growth? A Critique of 'This Time is Different', by Reinhart and Rogoff.
- Scott T. Fullwiler, L. Randall Wray. Quantitative Easing and Proposals for Reform of Monetary Policy Operations.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. Modern Monetary Theory - A Primer on the Operational Realities of the Monetary System.
- William F. Mitchell, Joan Muysken. Full Employment Abandoned: Shifting Sands and Policy Failures.
- Stephanie A. Kelton, Stephanie A. Bell, L. Randall Wray. Can Euroland Survive? | Levy Economics Institute.
- Scott T. Fullwiler, Wolfram Elsner, Tara Natarajan, Tara Natarajan, Wolfram Elsner, Scott Fullwiler. The Social Fabric Matrix Approach to Policy Analysis: An Introduction.
- Tara Natarajan, Wolfram Elsner, Scott Fullwiler, Scott T. Fullwiler. The Social Fabric Matrix Approach to Central Bank Operations: An Application to the Federal Reserve and the Recent Financial Crisis.
- L. Randall Wray, Eric Tymoigne, Giuseppe Fontana, Mark Setterfield. Macroeconomics Meets Hyman P. Minsky: The Financial Theory of Investment.
- Scott Baum, Anthea Bill, William F. Mitchell. Employment outcomes in non-metropolitan labour markets: individual and regional labour market factors.
- Scott Baum, William F. Mitchell. Adequate Employment, Underutilisation and Unemployment: an Analysis of Labour Force Outcomes for Australian Youth.
- Rania Antonopoulos. The Unpaid Care Work-Paid Work Connection.
- Anthea Bill, William F. Mitchell, Martin J. Watts. The Occupational Dimensions of Local Labour Markets in Australian Cities.
- L. Randall Wray. The commodities market bubble: Money manager capitalism and the financialization of commodities.
- Scott T Fullwiler. Modern Central Bank Operations—The General Principles.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. Keynes's Approach to Full Employment: Aggregate or Targeted Demand?.
- L. Randall Wray. Financial markets meltdown: what can we learn from Minsky?.
- L. Randall Wray. The employer of last resort programme: could it work for developing countries?.
- Scott T Fullwiler. Macroeconomic Stabilization Through an Employer of Last Resort.
- Anthea Bill, William F. Mitchell, Riccardo Welters. Job mobility and segmentation in Australian city labour markets.
- Sally Cowling, Robert La Jeunesse, William F. Mitchell, Martin J. Watts. Workchoices: the low productivity road to an underclass.
- William F. Mitchell, Anthea Bill. Who Benefits from Growth? Disadvantaged Workers in Growing Regions.
- William F. Mitchell, Anthea Bill. The two-speed economy: the decline of Sydney's labour market.
- William F. Mitchell, James Juniper, Jenny Myers. The dynamics of job creation and job destruction in Australia.
- Scott T Fullwiler. Setting interest rates in the modern money era.
- Scott Fullwiler. Interest rates and fiscal sustainability.
- Anthea Bill, William F. Mitchell, Martin J. Watts. Examining the relationship between commuting patterns, employment growth and unemployment in the NSW Greater Metropolitan Region.
- William F. Mitchell, Martin Watts. A Comparison of the Macroeconomic Consequences of Basic Income and Job Guarantee Schemes.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva, L. Randall Wray. Employer of Last Resort Program: A case study of Argentina’s Jefes de Hogar program.
- Martin J. Watts, William F. Mitchell. Wages and Wage Determination in 2004.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. The Job Guarantee and Economic Stability.
- Mathew Forstater. Taxation and Primitive Accumulation: The Case of Colonial Africa.
- Scott Fullwiler. Paying Interest on Reserve Balances: It’s More Significant Than You Think.
- William F. Mitchell, Ellen Carlson. Exploring employment growth disparities across metropolitan and regional Australia.
- Martin J. Watts, William F. Mitchell. Wages and Wage Determination in 2003.
- Stephanie A. Bell, L. Randall Wray, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Stephanie A. Kelton. The War on Poverty after 40 Years.
- Mathew Forstater. Green jobs: addressing the critical issues surrounding the environment, workplace, and employment.
- Beth Cook, Chris Dodds, William F. Mitchell. Social Entrepreneurship — False Premises and Dangerous Forebodings.
- William F. Mitchell, Warren B Mosler. Fiscal Policy and the Job Guarantee.
- Abbas Valadkhani, William F. Mitchell. Assessing the Impact of Changes in Petroleum Prices on Inflation and Household Expenditures in Australia.
- Doug Biddle, John Burgess, William F. Mitchell, Martin O'Brien. The Australian Labour Market in 2001.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. Monopoly Money: The State as a Price Setter.
- William F. Mitchell. The Job Guarantee and Inflation Control.
- L. Randall Wray. Understanding modern money.
- Ellen Carlson, William F. Mitchell. The Path to Full Employment.
- William F. Mitchell. The Job Guarantee in a small open economy.
- John Burgess, William F. Mitchell, Duncan O'Brien, Martin J. Watts. The Developing Workfare Policy in Australia: A Critical Assessment.
- Beardsley Ruml. Taxes For Revenue Are Obsolete.
- Australia - White Paper on Full Employment, May 30, 1945.
- Abba P. Lerner. Functional Finance and the Federal Debt.
- L Randall Wray, Yeva Nersisyan. Has Japan Been Following Modern Money Theory Without Recognizing It? No! And Yes. | Levy Economics Institute.
- L. Randall Wray, Yeva Nersisyan. Does the national debt matter?.
- Andrew Berkeley, Richard Tye, Neil Wilson. An Accounting Model of the UK Exchequer.
- Phil Armstrong, Warren Mosler. Weimar Republic Hyperinflation through a Modern Monetary Theory Lens.
- L. Randall Wray. MMT and Two Paths to Big Deficits.
- L. Randall Wray. Fiscal Reform to Benefit State and Local Governments: The Modern Money Theory Approach | Levy Economics Institute.
- Sam Levey. Modern Money and the War Treasury.
- Eric Tymoigne. Debunking the Public Debt and Deficit Rhetoric.
- Yeva Nersisyan, L Randall Wray. How to Pay for the Green New Deal.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. The High Costs of UBI are Not Financial: They are Real.
- Warren B. Mosler, Phil Armstrong. A Discussion of Central Bank Operations and Interest Rate Policy.
- Mark Peacock. An Embarrassment of Riches and a Surplus of Shame: Can the Rich be Poor?.
- Erik Dean. The Going Enterprise Paradox: Stability and Instability Under Money Manager Capitalism.
- Jörg Bibow. Twenty Years of the German Euro Are More than Enough.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. The Job Guarantee and the Economics of Fear | Levy Economics Institute.
- L. Randall Wray, Flavia Dantas, Scott T. Fullwiler, Pavlina R. Tcherneva, Stephanie A. Kelton, Stephanie A. Bell. Public Service Employment: A Path to Full Employment | Levy Economics Institute.
- Rohan Grey. Mobile Finance in Developing Countries: Macroeconomic Implications and Potential.
- Michalis Nikiforos, Gennaro Zezza. Stock-flow Consistent Macroeconomic Models: a Survey.
- Louisa Connors, William Mitchell. Framing Modern Monetary Theory.
- Warren Mosler, Damiano B. Silipo. Maximizing price stability in a monetary economy.
- David Barkin. Food Sovereignty: A Strategy for Environmental Justice.
- Fadhel Kaboub. Financial Sovereignty and the Possibility of Full Employment in Saudi Arabia.
- Warren B. Mosler, Damiano Bruno Silipo. Maximizing Price Stability in a Monetary Economy.
- Steven Hail. Behavioural and Post-Keynesian Foundations for a new Macroeconomics.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. Completing the Roosevelt Revolution: Why the Time for a Federal Job Guarantee Has Come.
- Jörg Bibow. Making the Euro Viable: The Euro Treasury Plan.
- Pedro Leão. Is a Very High Public Debt a Problem?.
- Indira Hirway. Unpaid Work and the Economy: Linkages and Their Implications.
- V. Chick, G. Tily. Whatever happened to Keynes's monetary theory?.
- Fadhel Kaboub, Michael Kelsay. Do prevailing wage laws increase total construction costs?.
- Fadhel Kaboub. The Making of the Tunisian Revolution.
- Fadhel Kaboub. The Fiscal Cliff Mythology and the Full Employment Alternative: An Affordable and Productive Plan.
- Fadhel Kaboub. The End of Neoliberalism? An Institutional Analysis of the Arab Uprisings.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. An endogenous money perspective on the post-crisis monetary policy debate.
- Fadhel Kaboub. The Low Cost of Full Employment in the United States.
- Warren Mosler, Stephanie Kelton, Thomas Edsall. 2. Governments Are Not Households: Implications of Monetary Sovereignty & Stock-Flow Consistency.
- Fadhel Kaboub. From Neoliberalism to Social Justice: The Feasability of Full Employment in Tunisia.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. The Costs and Benefits of a Job Guarantee: Estimates from a Multi-Country Econometric Model.
- L. Randall Wray. Introduction to an Alternative History of Money.
- Scott T. Fullwiler, Stephanie A. Bell, L. Randall Wray. Modern Money Theory: A Response to Critics.
- L. Randall Wray. Minsky's Money Manager Capitalism and the Global Financial Crisis.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. Treasury Debt Operations: An Analysis Integrating Social Fabric Matrix and Social Accounting Matrix Methodologies.
- Fadhel Kaboub. Understanding and preventing financial instability: Post-Keynesian Institutionalism and government as employer of last resort.
- William F. Mitchell, Joan Muysken. The myth of employment enhancing flexible labour markets.
- Zdravka Todorova, Fadhel Kaboub, Luisa Fernandez. Inequality-Led Financial Instability.
- Yeva Nersisyan, L. Randall Wray. The Global Financial Crisis and the Shift to Shadow Banking.
- L. Randall Wray. Alternative Approaches to Money.
- Riccardo Welters, William F. Mitchell. Locked-in casual employment.
- Fadhel Kaboub. Socialism after Hayek: A Post Keynesian Contribution to Burczak's Theory of Social Justice.
- L. Randall Wray. The rise and fall of money manager capitalism: a Minskian approach.
- Firat Demir, Fadhel Kaboub. Economic Development and the Fabrication of the Middle East as a Eurocentric Project.
- Luisa Fernandez, Fadhel Kaboub, Zdravka Todorova. On Democratizing Financial Turmoil: A Minskian Analysis of the Subprime Crisis*.
- L. Randall Wray, Éric Tymoigne. Macroeconomics Meets Hyman P. Minsky: The Financial Theory of Investment.
- Martin J. Watts, William F. Mitchell. Wages and Wage Determination in 2007.
- Scott Baum, Anthea Bill, William F. Mitchell. Unemployment in Non-Metropolitan Australia: integrating geography, social and individual contexts.
- Scott Baum, Anthea Bill, William F. Mitchell. Labour Underutilisation in Metropolitan Labour Markets in Australia: Individual Characteristics, Personal Circumstances and Local Labour Markets.
- L. Randall Wray. Lessons from the Subprime Meltdown.
- Sally Cowling, William F. Mitchell. Taking the Low Road: Minimum Wage Determination under Work Choices.
- L. Randall Wray. A Post Keynesian view of central bank independence, policy targets, and the rules versus discretion debate.
- Fadhel Kaboub. Institutional Adjustment Planning for Full Employment.
- Fadhel Kaboub. Employment Guarantee Programs: A Survey of Theories and Policy Experiences.
- Fadhel Kaboub. ELR-led Economic Development: A Plan for Tunisia.
- William F. Mitchell, Jenny Myers. Are gross job flows in Australia sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations?.
- Victor Quirk, Emma Allen, Trond Andresen, Anthea Bill, Beth Cook, Ben Goldsmith, James Juniper, Robert La Jeunesse, William F. Mitchell, Jennifer Myers, Martin Watts, Riccardo Welters, Graham Wrightson. The Job Guarantee in practice.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. Interest Rates and Fiscal Sustainability.
- Martin J. Watts, William Mitchell. Wages and Wage Determination in 2005.
- William F. Mitchell. Accommodating employment: A job guarantee.
- Sally Cowling, William F. Mitchell, Martin J. Watts. The right to work versus the right to income.
- Pavlina R. Tcherneva. The Nature, Origins, and Role of Money: Broad and Specific Propositions and Their Implications for Policy.
- Mathew Forstater. Reply to Malcolm Sawyer.
- L. Randall Wray. The Credit Money and State Money Approaches.
- John Burgess, William F. Mitchell, Alison Preston. The Australian Labour Market in 2002.
- Sally Cowling, William F. Mitchell. False promise or false premise? Evaluating the Job Network.
- L. Randall Wray. Modern money.
- Mathew Forstater. “Jobs for all”: Another dream of the rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..
- Mathew Forstater. Full Employment and Environmental Sustainability CFEPS Working Paper no 13.
- Stephanie A. Bell, Stephanie A. Kelton. The role of the state and the hierarchy of money.
- Martin J. Watts, William F. Mitchell. The Costs of Unemployment in Australia.
- Stephanie Bell, L. Randall Wray. Financial Aspects of the Social Security “Problem”.
- Stephanie Bell, Stephanie A. Kelton. Functional Finance: What, Why, and How?.
- Mathew Forstater. Symposium - The European Economic and Monetary Union - Introduction.
- Mathew Forstater. Functional Finance and Full Employment: Lessons from Lerner for Today.
- Mathew Forstater. Working Backwards: Instrumental analysis as a policy discovery procedure.
- John Burgess, William F. Mitchell, Duncan O'Brien, Martin J. Watts. Unemployment: Promises, Policies and Progress - [PDF Document].
- Stephanie A. Bell, Stephanie A. Kelton. The Hierarchy of Money.
- Mathew Forstater. Selective Use of Discretionary Public Employment and Economic Flexibility.
- Mathew Forstater. Public employment and economic flexibility: The job opportunity approach to full employment.
- Mathew Forstater. Toward a New Instrumental Macroeconomics: Abba Lerner and Adolph Lowe on Economic Method, Theory, History, and Policy.
- Stephanie A. Bell, Stephanie A. Kelton. Can Taxes and Bonds Finance Government Spending?.
- John Burgess, William F. Mitchell. Unemployment, Human Rights and a Full Employment Policy in Australia.
- Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, L. Randall Wray. The Economic Contributions of Hyman Minsky: varieties of capitalism and institutional reform.
- William F. Mitchell, Martin J. Watts. The Path to full Employment.
- Paul Davidson. Full Employment AND Price Stability.
- William F. Mitchell. Why high levels of net migration present problems for unemployment and external debt stabilisation.
- William F. Mitchell. Post Keynesian Thought Discussion List.
- William F. Mitchell. Restoring Full Employment.
- William F. Mitchell. Testing for unit roots and persistence in OECD unemployment rates.
- William F. Mitchell. The impact of immigration in the trades’ labour market.
- William F. Mitchell. Briefings: Nation-Building.
- L. Randall Wray. Alternative theories of the rate of interest.
- William F. Mitchell. Too little, Too late: 1992-93 Budget Commentary.
- L. Randall Wray. Commercial Banks, the Central Bank, and Endogenous Money.
- Martin Watts, William F. Mitchell. Alleged instability of the Okun's law relationship in Australia: an empirical analysis.
- William F. Mitchell. Wages Policy and Wage Determination in 1990:.
- William F. Mitchell. The Scandinavian Model of Inflation and its Applicability to Australian Wage Setting.
- Martin Watts, William F. Mitchell. The Impact of Incomes Policy on the Male Inter-Industry Wage Structure.
- Martin Watts, William F. Mitchell. Australian Wage Inflation: Real Wage Resistance, Hysteresis and Incomes Policy: 1968(3)-1988(3).
- William F. Mitchell. No Need to Privatise.
- William F. Mitchell. What is the Full Employment Unemployment Rate: Some Empirical Evidence of Structural Unemployment in Australia, 1966 to 1986.
- William F. Mitchell. The Nairu, Structural Imbalance and the Macroequilibrium Unemployment Rate*.
- Michael E. Burns, William F. Mitchell. Real Wages, Unemployment and Economic Policy in Australia.
- William F. Mitchell, Martin Watts. Efficiency Under Capitalist Production: A Critique and Reformulation.
- William F. Mitchell. Equal Pay for Women: A Reply.
- Mitchell - The Job Guarantee and Inflation Control.pdf.
- Desan - 2008 - From Blood to Profit Making Money in the Practice.pdf.
- Mathew Forstater. Flexible Full Employment: Structural Implications of Discretionary Public Sector Employment.
- Mitchell et al. - 2001 - Fiscal policy and the job guarantee.pdf.
- Forstater - 1998 - Flexible Full Employment Structural Implications .pdf.
- Full Text PDF.
- Employment outcomes in non-metropolitan labour markets: individual and regional labour market factors.
- Tcherneva - Employer of Last Resort Program A case study of A.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Armstrong et al. - Economics and the political and social environment.pdf.
- Full Text PDF.
- ResearchGate Link.
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- ResearchGate Link.
- Richard Denniss, William F. Mitchell. Dividends of pain. [Increased corporate profit is related to increased unemployment.].
- ResearchGate Link.
- Full Text PDF.
- Nersisyan and Wray - 2010 - Does Excessive Sovereign Debt Really Hurt Growth .pdf.
- ResearchGate Link.
- Full Text PDF.
- Snapshot.
- Desan - 2013 - Creation Stories Myths About the Origins of Money.pdf.
- Botta - 2012 - Conflicting Claims in the Eurozone Austerity's My.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Snapshot.
- Wray - 2014 - Central Bank Independence Myth and Misunderstandi.pdf.
- Scott T. Fullwiler, Geoffrey Allen. Can the Fed Target Inflation? Toward an Institutionalist Approach.
- Galbraith - Can Trump overcome secular stagnation.pdf.
- Fullwiler and Allen - 2007 - Can the Fed Target Inflation Toward an Institutio.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Mazzucato - 2015 - Building the Entrepreneurial State A New Framewor.pdf.
- Fullwiler - Building a More General Theory of Finance.pdf.
- Kelton - Can “Trumponomics” extend the recovery.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Mathew Forstater. Bones for Sale: 'Development', environment and food security in East Africa.
- William F. Mitchell. Budget: light from the black hole.
- "Briefings: Nation-Building" by Bill Mitchell.
- Snapshot.
- Forstater - 2002 - Bones for Sale 'Development', environment and foo.pdf.
- Hail - Behavioural and Post-Keynesian Foundations for a n.pdf.
- Australia - White Paper on Full Employment, May 30, 1945.
- Snapshot.
- Snapshot.
- ResearchGate Link.
- F. Gregory Hayden, Scott T. Fullwiler. Analysis of the Financial Assurance Plan in the License Application for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility.
- Stephanie A. Kelton, Stephanie A. Bell. An Introduction to the Health Care Crisis in America: How Did We Get Here?.
- Mathew Forstater. An Institutionalist Post Keynesian Methodology of Economic Policy with an Application to Full Employment.
- An Introduction to the Health Care Crisis in America: How Did We Get Here?.
- Forstater - An Institutionalist Post Keynesian Methodology of .pdf.
- Hayden and Fullwiler - 2001 - Analysis of the Financial Assurance Plan in the Li.pdf.
- Fullwiler - 2013 - An endogenous money perspective on the post-crisis.pdf.
- Wray - 2010 - Alternative Approaches to Money.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Wray - 2010 - Alternative Approaches to Money.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Snapshot.
- Baum and Mitchell - 2008 - Adequate Employment, Underutilisation and Unemploy.pdf.
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- Snapshot.
- L. Randall Wray. A Meme for Money.
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- Full Text.
- RePEc PDF.
- RePEc Snapshot.
- Central-Bank-Interest-Rate-Policy-Mosler-Armstrong.pdf.
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- Tcherneva - 2012 - What Do Poor Women Want Public Employment or Cash.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Snapshot.
- Wages and Wage Determination in 2004 - Martin J. Watts, William Mitchell, 2005.
- Wages and Wage Determination in 2003 - Martin J. Watts, William Mitchell, 2004.
- Forstater - Visions and Scenarios Heilbroner’s Worldly Philos.pdf.
- Stimson et al. - 2011 - Using functional economic regions to model endogen.pdf.
- Hirway - Unpaid Work and the Economy Linkages and Their Im.pdf.
- Tcherneva - 2017 - Unemployment The Silent Epidemic.pdf.
- Full Text PDF.
- Snapshot.
- Snapshot.
- Mitchell and Mosler - 2006 - Understanding the economic fallacies of the interg.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Wray - Understanding modern money.pdf.
- ResearchGate Link.
- Full Text PDF.
- Bibow - Twenty Years of the German Euro Are More than Enou.pdf.
- Wray and College - Trumponomics causes and prospects.pdf.
- Tcherneva - 2017 - Trump's Bait and Switch Job Creation in the Midst.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Berger and Forstater - 2007 - Toward a iPoliticali Institutionalist Economi.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Antonopoulos - 2008 - The Unpaid Care Work-Paid Work Connection.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Fullwiler - 2003 - Timeliness and the Fed’s Daily Tactics.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Mitchell and Bill - 2006 - Who Benefits from Growth Disadvantaged Workers in.pdf.
- PubMed entry.
- Chick and Tily - 2014 - Whatever happened to Keynes's monetary theory.pdf.
- Fullwiler - 2009 - The Social Fabric Matrix Approach to Central Bank .pdf.
- Mathew Forstater. Visions and Scenarios: Heilbroner’s Worldly Philosophy, Lowe’s Political Economics, and the Methodology of Ecological Economics.
- Robert J. Stimson, William F. Mitchell, David Rohde, Paul Shyy. Using functional economic regions to model endogenous regional performance in Australia: implications for addressing the spatial autocorrelation problem*: Modelling endogenous regional performance in Australia.
- William F. Mitchell, Warren B. Mosler. Understanding the economic fallacies of the intergenerational debate.
- Sebastian Berger, Mathew Forstater. Toward a Political Institutionalist Economics: Kapp’s Social Costs, Lowe’s Instrumental Analysis, and the European Institutionalist Approach to Environmental Policy.
- Scott T. Fullwiler. Timeliness and the Fed’s Daily Tactics.
- Snapshot.
- Tcherneva - The Nature, Origins, and Role of Money Broad and .pdf.
- Tcherneva - The Nature, Origins, and Role of Money Broad and .pdf.
- Snapshot.
- ResearchGate Link.
- Forstater and Mosler - 2005 - The Natural Rate of Interest Is Zero.pdf.
- Mitchell and Muysken - The myth of employment enhancing flexible labour m.pdf.
- Full Text PDF.
- ResearchGate Link.
- Full Text PDF.
- Tcherneva - 2018 - The Job Guarantee Design, Jobs, and Implementatio.pdf.
- Quirk - The Job Guarantee in practice.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Fullwiler et al. - 2018 - THE MACROECONOMIC EFFECTS OF.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- ResearchGate Link.
- Bell - 1998 - The Hierarchy of Money.pdf.
- Fullwiler and Kelton - 2015 - The Helicopter Can Drop Money, Bonds, or Just Fly .pdf.
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- ResearchGate Link.
- Full Text PDF.
- ResearchGate Link.
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- Submitted Version.
- Wray - 2007 - The employer of last resort programme could it wo.pdf.
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- Fullwiler - 2016 - The Debt Ratio and Sustainable Macroeconomic Polic.pdf.
- Fullwiler - 2012 - The Costs and Benefits of a Job Guarantee Estimat.pdf.
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- Full Text PDF.
- Submitted Version.
- Full Text PDF.
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- Mitchell - 1998 - The Buffer Stock Employment Model and the NAIRU T.pdf.
- Mitchell - 1998 - The Buffer Stock Employment Model and the NAIRU T.pdf.
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- Bell - 2001 - The role of the state and the hierarchy of money.pdf.
- Semenova and Wray - 2015 - The Rise of Money and Class Society The Contribut.pdf.
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- Full Text PDF.
- Snapshot.
- Submitted Version.
- Caverzasi and Godin - 2013 - Stock-Flow Consistent Modeling Through the Ages.pdf.
- CFEPS - Working Paper No. 23.
- Nikiforos and Zezza - Stock-flow Consistent Macroeconomic Models a Surv.pdf.
- Mathew Forstater, Warren B. Mosler. The Natural Rate of Interest Is Zero.
- William F. Mitchell. The Buffer Stock Employment Model and the NAIRU: The Path to Full Employment.
- Mathew Forstater. Taxation: A Secret of Colonial Capitalist (so-called) Primitive Accumulation.
- Forstater - 1998 - Selective Use of Discretionary Public Employment a.pdf.
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- Fullext PDF.
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- Fullwiler and Wray - 2010 - Quantitative Easing and Proposals for Reform of Mo.pdf.
- Forstater - Public employment and environmental sustainability.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- Baum and Mitchell - 2010 - People, Space and Place a Multidimensional Analys.pdf.
- Forstater - Phenomenological and Interpretive-Structural Appro.pdf.
- Lazonick - 1998 - Japanese corporate governance and strategy adapti.pdf.
- Fullwiler - Paying Interest on Reserve Balances It’s More Sig.pdf.
- Wray - 2014 - Outside Money The Advantages of Owning the Magic .pdf.
- Wray and Liu - 2014 - Options for China in a Dollar Standard World A So.pdf.
- Snapshot.
- ResearchGate Link.
- Full Text.
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- Hyman P. Minsky, L. Randall Wray. Securitization.
- Mathew Forstater. Public employment and environmental sustainability.
- Scott Baum, William F. Mitchell. People, Space and Place: a Multidimensional Analysis of Unemployment in Metropolitan Labour Markets: People, Space and Place.
- Mathew Forstater. Phenomenological and Interpretive-Structural Approaches to Economics and Sociology: Schutzian Themes in Adolph Lowe’s Political Economics.
- Hyman Minsky. On the Non-Neutrality of Money.
- Scott Baum, William F. Mitchell. Labour Underutilisation and Gender: Unemployment Versus Hidden-Unemployment.
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- William Mitchell, Martin Watts. Identifying Functional Regions in Australia Using Hierarchical Aggregation Techniques: Identifying Functional Regions in Australia Using Hierarchical Aggregation Techniques.
- Mathew Forstater. Green Jobs: Public Service Employment and Environmental Sustainability.
- Mathew Forstater. Full Employment Policies Must Consider Effective Demand and Structural and Technological Change.
- Marshall Auerback. Explaining the rise of Donald Trump.
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- Money on the Left, Maxximilian Seijo, William Saas, Scott Ferguson, Rohan Grey, Nathan Tankus. #MintTheCoin & COVID Relief with the Modern Money Network.
- Money on the Left, Maxximilian Seijo, William Saas, Scott Ferguson, Lua Yuille. Heterodox Properties with Lua Kamal Yuille.
- Money on the Left, Maxximilian Seijo, William Saas, Scott Ferguson, Christine Desan. Money as a Constitutional Project with Christine Desan.